Bear Awareness Training & Certification
Hard Hat Training courses meet all training requirements set by OSHA and Canada.
We Offer Three Types of Bear Awareness Safety Trainings
Our regulation-aligned Bear Awareness certification courses are updated to reflect the most recent changes made to safety standards. Whether you want a certification in as little as two hours, or a more robust training, we can help! We offer online trainings that can be completed in a day, DIY training kits that provide training materials, Train the Trainer certifications that certify individuals to train others and provide training materials, or onsite training. No matter what you choose, we can get you what you want, at a price you can afford.
Online Training
Online training is for those who prefer self-paced training from any location and/or for employers who need to assign and monitor employee training progress and exam scores.
Purchase OptionsTraining Kits
The training kit is for those who want the freedom of doing the training themselves. It is an PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) that you can present yourself to a group of trainees.
Purchase OptionsTrain the Trainer
Train the Trainer courses are online and meant to certify a individual to use the training kit to train others. Training kit and materials are included with the Train the Trainer online course for no additional cost.
Purchase OptionsWhat’s in the Bear Awareness Training Course?
Our Bear Awareness Safety Training course is perfect for those who work, live, or explore areas where bears live. This course covers bear behavior, what to do in a confrontation, basic defense techniques, and more.
This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for a final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a practical exam to review basic bear awareness knowledge.
Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, the estimated time for this training is approximately one hour.
See Purchase Options
For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
View Purchase OptionsBear Awareness Certification Standards
U.S. Standards
Canada Standards
Train the Trainer Certification
The Train the Trainer option is used to certify a trainer to teach others using the included training kit. It incorporates the online course with an additional train the trainer module, as well as the training kit. This option results in an regulation-aligned lifetime trainer certification from Hard Hat Training. This certification is not company-specific, meaning you can take it with you should you change employers.
Why Do I Need Bear Awareness Safety Training?
Bear populations are rebounding because of various conservation efforts. As a result, bear territories are expanding, and the chances of encountering a bear are increasing.
While fatalities resulting from bear encounters are very rare, more bears are being euthanized after too many encounters with humans. Since most bear attacks are preventable, it is important to know what steps you should take to avoid an encounter and what you should do to increase the likeliness of both you and the bear surviving.
Stay Informed On All Things Bear Awareness
Did You Know?
North America is home to three different species of bears: the black bear, the brown bear, and the polar bear.
Bears have an extraordinary sense of smell, even better than a bloodhound, and can detect scents from as far away as 20 miles (32 km).
A recent study of bear encounters found that 98% percent of people who used bear spray were unharmed. The remaining 2% suffered only minor injuries.
Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to be around bears?

Seeing a bear in person can be an exciting and memorable experience. However, it can also be dangerous if you aren’t careful to take the proper precautions. It’s important to travel in groups, make noise, avoid areas with signs of recent bear activity, and carry bear spray.
What do I do if I encounter a bear?

Talk to the bear in a calm, monotone voice. If you can, back away slowly and leave the area. Don’t run away or try to climb a tree. Bears can climb trees and can run up to 30 miles per hour. If the bear approaches you, get your bear spray ready and prepare to use it.
How do I use bear spray?

Yes, bear spray is an effective deterrent. It works by inflaming the mucous membranes of the bear’s eyes, mouth, and nose. This intense discomfort it causes will make the bear turn away. You should carry bear spray whenever you are in bear territory and be ready to use it.
What do I do if I encounter a bear?

First, remove the safety clip by placing your thumb in front of the lip and pulling it back. Hold the canister steady with a firm grip. Push down on the release mechanism and angle the spray downward so that it forms a cloud between you and the charging bear. Keep spraying until the bear turns away. Practice handling your bear spray ahead of time so that you are prepared for a potential bear encounter.
See Purchase Options
For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
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