Reasonable Suspicion Training & Certification
Hard Hat Training courses meet all training requirements set by OSHA.
We Offer Three Types of Reasonable Suspicion Safety Trainings
Our regulation-aligned Reasonable Suspicion certification courses are updated to reflect the most recent changes made to safety standards. Whether you want a certification in as little as two hours, or a more robust training, we can help! We offer online trainings that can be completed in a day, DIY training kits that provide training materials, Train the Trainer certifications that certify individuals to train others and provide training materials, or onsite training. No matter what you choose, we can get you what you want, at a price you can afford.
Online Training
Online training is for those who prefer self-paced training from any location and/or for employers who need to assign and monitor employee training progress and exam scores.
Purchase OptionsTraining Kits
The training kit is for those who want the freedom of doing the training themselves. It is an PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) that you can present yourself to a group of trainees.
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Train the Trainer courses are online and meant to certify a individual to use the training kit to train others. Training kit and materials are included with the Train the Trainer online course for no additional cost.
Purchase OptionsWhat’s in the Reasonable Suspicion Training Course?
Our Reasonable Suspicion training course is built to OSHA and FMCSA standards. This class discusses topics including the supervisor, drugs and alcohol, taking action, testing, post-procedures, and more.
This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a checklist for employers to use when administering a practical exam as required by OSHA.
Estimated Training Length: Because everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, the amount of time you spend taking this training will vary. However, in accordance with the FMCSA, this training should last at least 2 hours.
Intended Audience:
- Supervisors
- Managers
- Employers
Though you will still need to familiarize yourself with all other applicable federal, state, and local standards, this training encompasses the following OSHA Requirements for reasonable suspicion:
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For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
View Purchase OptionsReasonable Suspicion Certification Standards
U.S. Standards
Train the Trainer Certification
The Train the Trainer option is used to certify a trainer to teach others using the included training kit. It incorporates the online course with an additional train the trainer module, as well as the training kit. This option results in an regulation-aligned lifetime trainer certification from Hard Hat Training. This certification is not company-specific, meaning you can take it with you should you change employers.
Why Do I Need Reasonable Suspicion Safety Training?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires driver supervisors to receive at least an hour of training on alcohol misuse and an hour of training on drug misuse. For the purpose of this training, we have combined both alcohol misuse training and substance use training into a single 2-hour safety training. The purpose of this is to give supervisors a complete overview of substance abuse procedures related to both drugs and alcohol.
Employers and supervisors have a responsibility to create a safe working environment for their employees. This includes knowing when employees may be unfit for safety-sensitive duties through reasonable suspicion.
Because of the requirements laid out by the FMCSA, employers have a legal and ethical obligation to develop and maintain a workplace that is free from hazards associated with substance abuse. Employees have the right to work in an atmosphere that promotes the safety and well-being of all.
Stay Informed On All Things Reasonable Suspicion
Did You Know?
Every day, 29 people in the United States are killed in crashes involving impaired driver.
Every year, the annual economic cost of impaired driving crashes is more than 44 billion dollars.
Drugs besides alcohol are involved in roughly 16% of all motor vehicle crashes. (Source: CDC).
Reasonable Suspicion Training Frequently Asked Questions

What is the reasonable suspicion test?

A reasonable suspicion test looks, in many ways, like a standard employee drug test. This can include breath and urine samples depending on the needs of the test. It is different from other tests in the way that it is initiated. Unlike random drug tests, which occur throughout the year at random times, reasonable suspicion tests can occur whenever a supervisor believes they are necessary.
How are you supposed to document reasonable suspicion?

There are many ways a supervisor can document reasonable suspicion. It is important to be thorough and detailed, making sure to highlight important observations that align with reasonable suspicion. This training provides an observation checklist that identifies key behaviors that supervisors can easily recognize once they have been properly trained.
Is reasonable suspicion for anyone?

Reasonable suspicion can only be carried out by supervisors of driving employees. An employee is not authorized to use reasonable suspicion on another employee. However, employees do have the right to inform their supervisor if they think another employee’s behavior may be cause for reasonable suspicion. The supervisor may then observe the employee and make the final call on whether reasonable suspicion is necessary.
Why should supervisors receive special training on recognize signs of substance abuse?

It is ultimately the responsibility of the supervisor to initiate a reasonable suspicion test. Some supervisors may not feel confident in their own ability to recognize the signs of substance abuse in their employees. The purpose of this training is to give supervisors the confidence they need to identify crucial warning signs of substance abuse. It also helps them know what steps they should take to carry out the test efficiently and safely.
Do supervisors personally administer the test?

Supervisors do not personally administer the test to employees. Rather, it is the job of the supervisor to decide when a test is necessary. If the supervisor believes an employee should be tested, the test is carried out by a company-approved third party. Companies may also hire medical personnel for the purpose of conducting tests.
What if an employee refuses to get tested?

Supervisors cannot force employees to get tested for substance abuse. If an employee refuses to test, the supervisor must inform them of the consequences for refusal. Generally, refusal to test is automatically considered a test failure. Companies may have various policies on how to treat employee test refusals.
Do supervisors have the right to stop employees from working?

Supervisors always have the right to take employees off safety sensitive jobs until they have been tested. Employees suspected of substance abuse should never be allowed to drive commercial vehicles until the test results have come in. Until then the supervisor may keep the employee from working while following company policies regarding paid-time or compensation.
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For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
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