What is the weight of a skid steer loader? This is a common question, and it really depends on the type and brand you are operating. Typically the most common skid steers weigh between 2000 lbs to 10,500 lbs! The average weight is closer to 7,500 lbs. These machines can do some serious work, but can also cause serious damage if people are careless. All your workers should be trained to operate the skid steer safely.
Need Skid Steer Training?
We’ve Got You Covered!
Onsite Skid Steer Training
- We Come to You (from Rexburg, Idaho) to Train Your Crew on Their Own Equipment
- Hands-On Training
- Travel Expenses Included
- Best for Groups of 5-10+ Trainees
Skid Steer Training Online
- Instant Access – Start Immediately
- Printable Certificate & Wallet Card
- Friendly Support Monday through Friday, 8 AM (CST) to 8 PM (CST)
- Just 1-2 Hrs to Earn Certification
DIY Classroom Skid Steer Training
- Start Immediately When You Choose the Download Option at Checkout
- Contains everything you need to do the training yourself.
- Train a few or many at one time in one place.
- Friendly Support Monday through Friday, 8 AM (CST) to 8 PM (CST)
- Just 1-2 Hrs to Earn Certification
Check out our special skid steer safety training poster and download it for free today!
Download this poster Free! Click here and right-click to save!
You can print it at your local Walmart for around $5!