Mold Safety Training & Certification
Hard Hat Training courses meet all training requirements set by OSHA and Canada.
We Offer Three Types of Mold Safety Trainings
Our regulation-aligned Mold certification courses are updated to reflect the most recent changes made to safety standards. Whether you want a certification in as little as two hours, or a more robust training, we can help! We offer online trainings that can be completed in a day, DIY training kits that provide training materials, Train the Trainer certifications that certify individuals to train others and provide training materials, or onsite training. No matter what you choose, we can get you what you want, at a price you can afford.
Online Training
Online training is for those who prefer self-paced training from any location and/or for employers who need to assign and monitor employee training progress and exam scores.
Purchase OptionsTraining Kits
The training kit is for those who want the freedom of doing the training themselves. It is an PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) that you can present yourself to a group of trainees.
Purchase OptionsTrain the Trainer
Train the Trainer courses are online and meant to certify a individual to use the training kit to train others. Training kit and materials are included with the Train the Trainer online course for no additional cost.
Purchase OptionsWhat’s in the Mold Training Course?
Our Mold training course is perfect for people who work in conditions that may produce mold. This class discusses topics including exposure & disease, prevention, remediation, hazards, and more.
This presentation includes intermittent practice quiz questions to prepare for the final written exam included with the course. In addition to the written exam, this course also includes a checklist for employers to use when administering a practical exam.
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For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
View Purchase OptionsMold Certification Standards
U.S. Standards
Canada Standards
Train the Trainer Certification
The Train the Trainer option is used to certify a trainer to teach others using the included training kit. It incorporates the online course with an additional train the trainer module, as well as the training kit. This option results in an regulation-aligned lifetime trainer certification from Hard Hat Training. This certification is not company-specific, meaning you can take it with you should you change employers.
Why Do I Need Mold Safety Training?
OSHA doesn’t have a specific standard for mold training. However, under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are required to provide a workplace that “is free from recognizable hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious harm to employees.”
Canada’s government also does not have any federal standards or recommendations for working with mold. However, each province and territory have their own occupational health and safety acts that require safe work places for employees.
Because of this requirement, employers have a legal and ethical obligation to develop and maintain a workplace that is free from hazards associated with mold. Employees have the right to work in an atmosphere that promotes the safety and well-being of all.
Stay Informed On All Things Mold
Did You Know?
Of the 21.8 million cases of asthma reported in the U.S. in 2007, about 4.6 million were attributed to mold exposure within the home. (Source: Truth About Mold).
King Tutankhamen’s tomb killed some thirty-seven archeologists within a fifty-year period. Because so many people died, many assumed that King Tutt’s tomb was cursed. It was later revealed that archeologists who wore respirators survived and were thus not exposed to the mold within. (Source: National Geographic).
Mold is made up of over 10,000 species and can exist nearly everywhere. (Source: OSHA).
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does mold effect the human body?

There are many symptoms that result from exposure to mold. Breathing and other respiratory problems are common. Additionally, mold can even effect skin, causing irritation and itching. It can also lead to mental problems such as confusion and anxiety.
What causes mold to grow in a building?

Mold can enter a home or business in a variety of ways. Usually, mold can be found if the building is exposed to frequent moisture. This may be in the form of roof and window leaks, flooding, wet foundations, and even condensation.
Are there different types of molds?

Yes. It is estimated that there more than 50 different types of hazardous mold that can grow indoors. Because they are so numerous, it is crucial to eliminate mold as quickly as possible to protect those who live and work in a building.
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For most courses, we offer OSHA trainings in English and Spanish, CAL/OSHA trainings in English, and Canada trainings in English. See all of our options!
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