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Mobile Equipment Training Courses

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What is online training? Our online trainings are great for those who want to learn at their own pace and on their own time. Online trainings can be completed from any location, eliminating the need for expensive seminars. Employers can assign employees specific trainings and keep track of their progress and exam scores. We also offer DIY Kits and Train the Trainer courses. Use the filter above to see these options.

What is a DIY training kit? Our training kits offer a full training experience alongside a comprehensive toolset for further learning. These kits are the perfect resource for those who want the freedom of training employees themselves. Unlike traditional trainings that are taken once, the kit offers a complete initial training as well as activities and materials to train employees long after they’ve been certified. We also offer online trainings and Train the Trainer courses. Use the filter above to see these options.

What is Train the Trainer? Train-the-trainer courses allow employers to take full control of the training process. Employees who take these courses are fully certified to use the training kit and train others. This means that employers can hold training seminars and courses without the need for third-party trainers. Employees who complete these courses are certified for life and can train others confidently with a well-tested learning model. We also offer online trainings and DIY training kits. Use the filter above to see these options.